How To Wake Up Early To Workout

Even though I'm so not a morning person, I've grown to love morning workouts. Working out in the morning can be a great way to start the day, and it's less likely something will get in the way. Here's how I made the switch to working out in the morning:

Start with Baby Steps

I started by being realistic and making it a goal to go to a 7:00AM yoga class once a week. That felt really doable!

Consider doing something less intense like yoga or barre

The thought of doing burpees before breakfast seemed aggressive so I started with yoga and barre classes.

Make the morning as easy as possible.

Set out your clothes the night before so you’re not stumbling to find a clean pair of yoga pants in the morning

Look forward to your workout.

Waking up early to workout is MUCH easier when you like the workout that you’re heading to. Focus on moving your body in a way you love in the morning.

Go to bed earlier

this does without saying but going to bed earlier will make it easier to wake up earlier. Make it a goal to go to bed even just 10 minutes earlier each night and work your way up to an earlier bedtime.

Be gentle with yourself

There are still mornings that I wake up and think “Nope, not today” and I go back to sleep.  Don’t sweat it, sometimes you need sleep WAY more